Péter Szoboszlay




Hey, You! (1976)
- Oberhausen Short Film Festival 1977 / Germany (Prize for the best national compilation)
- Saloniki Short and Documentary Film Festival 1977 / Greece (Special prize of the jury)
- Chicago International Film Festival 1977 / USA (Prize Bronze Hugo)
- Ráday SOHO FilmÉSfesztivál 2002 / Hungary (Panorama program)
- PAF Festival of Film Animation 2010 / Czech Republic (Panorama program)
- Common Past, Shared Future Film Festival 2011 / Egypt (Panorama program)
- Cortisonici International Shortfilm Festival 2011 / Italy (Panorama program)
- Banjaluka 2011 / Bosnia and Herzegovina (Panorama program)
- Hungarian Cultural Centre in New York - Hungarian program 2011 / USA (Other program)
- Hungarian Institute Paris - Hungarian Program 2012 / France (Other program)
- Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film 2012 / Germany (Panorama program)
- MONSTRA Lisbon Animation Film Festival 2014 / Portugal (Panorama program)
- Hiroshima 2014 / Japan (Panorama program)
How Did Esther Get on the Table? (1986)
- Hungarian Film and TV critics 1988 / Hungary (Hungarian Film and TV critics prize)
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 1988 / Hungary (Special prize of the jury)
- Ráday SOHO FilmÉSfesztivál 2002 / Hungary (Panorama program)
- Hiroshima 2014 / Japan (Panorama program)
The Skating Penguin Egg (1987) The Adventures of Tinti
Let's Catch Frog (1987) The Adventures of Tinti
Strut in Borrowed Plumes (1987) The Adventures of Tinti
Pack-Ass (1988) The Adventures of Tinti
On the South-Sea’s Waves (1988) The Adventures of Tinti
The Little Servant of Santa Claus (1988) The Adventures of Tinti
- Cairo International Film Festival 1990 / Egypt (Silver Cairo Prize)
Toy Sequence (1990)
St. Michael Day's Festival of Plays (1992)
- National Film Festival of Fine Arts 1993 / Hungary (Special prize of the jury)
- Hiroshima 2014 / Japan (Panorama program)
Stone Blocks (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
Hurray, in the Park! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
Masters Can Write! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
High and Low (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
Farewell, Homeland! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
My Devotees, Hungarians! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
Hallo, Hallo! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
What Things May Happen! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
The Millennium (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
Poacher, Gamekeeper (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
This Is Style! (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
By Land, By Sea, By Air (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
I Jump Into the Contrabass… (1994) 100 Years Ago 1
Na... Bumm! (Traumatology, Non Stop!) (1995)
- Antalya International Golden Orange Short Film / Video Festival 1996 / Turkey (Award of Turkish Ministry of Culture for the Best Video)
Inventory (1999)
Horse & Bamboo Theatre (1999)
Happy Birthday Adél! (2004)
- Cartoon Club 2004 / Italy (Competetion program)
- Balkanima 2004 / Serbia and Montenegro (Competetion program)
- Cairo International Film Festival for Children 2005 / Egypt (Information program)
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2005 / Hungary (Information program)
- Auburn International Film & Video Festival 2005 / Australia (Competetion program)
- International Festival of Film and Video for Children and Young Adults, 2005 / Iran (Panorama program)
- CMS International Children's Film Festival 2009 / India (Panorama program)
- WRO Art Center 2010 / Poland (Other program)
Mail Has Arrived by Post (2005) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2005 / Hungary (Competetion program)
Sound Body, Sound Spirit! (2005) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2005 / Hungary (Best Animated Documentary Film Award)
- Place-Film-Music Festival 2005 / Hungary (Other program)
- Hungarian Film Review 2006 / Hungary (Information program)
- Debrecen Animation Days 2006 / Hungary (Information program)
- Bázis Filmfesztivál 2006 / Hungary (Other program)
- BuSho 2007 / Hungary (Other program)
For the King and for the Homeland! (2005) 100 Years Ago 2
The Wishing Table (2006) 100 Years Ago 2
I Can’t Live Without You! (2006) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2007 / Hungary (Competetion program)
- Hungarian Film Week 2008 / Hungary (Information program)
News, Headlines (2006) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2007 / Hungary (Competetion program)
Oh, Those Foamy Neglige! (2008) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2009 / Hungary (Competetion program)
Hallowed Be Thy Name! (2009) 100 Years Ago 2
The Apple of Our Eyes (2009) 100 Years Ago 2
The Stage Meaning the World (2010) 100 Years Ago 2
- Hungarian Film Week 2011 / Hungary (Information program)
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2011 / Hungary (Competetion program)
Supplier of the Emperor and the Royal Court (2010) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2011 / Hungary (Competetion program)
- Óperencia Fesztivál 2011 / Hungary (Other program)
- Hungarikum Filmfesztivál 2011 / Hungary (Other program)
All Fillérs Are Money! (2011) 100 Years Ago 2
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2013 / Hungary (Competetion program)
- Festival of Hungarian TV-Films 2013 / Hungary (Special awards of Hír TV, Petőfi Népe and Arany János Calvinist High School of Nagykőrös)
The Country Is in Fever (2011) 100 Years Ago 2
Children in a Red Landscape (2013)
- Kecskemét Animation Film Festival 2013 / Hungary (Competetion program)
- ENIMATION Little Elephant 2013 / Slovenia (Competetion program)
- Anima Mundi 2014 / Brazil (Panorama program)
- Biennial of Animation Bratislava 2014 / Slovakia (Panorama program)
- Hungarian Film Week 2014 / Hungary (Competetion program)
- International Film Festival of Fine Arts 2014 / Hungary (Competetion program)
- Hungarian Film Festival of Los Angeles 2014 / USA (Competetion program)