Director:JANKOVICS Marcell
PÁL NAGY Balázs tv-series
° 1995 ° 06 ' 20 "
° 35 mm
° Colour
° Technique :
Drawing animation
° Producer: MikulásFerencSelector:NagyIlonaAnimator:FarkasLászló
; Pál NagyBalázsShooting supervisor:TóthLászló IstvánProduction manager:VécsyVeraSound:NyergesAndrás ImreBackground painter:HaszonÁkosHighlighter-coloring:Gulyás KisÁgnes
; KőEditStoryteller:SzabóGyulaCameraman:CsehJánosArtist:FarkasIldikó
; MészárosAndrás
; TóthRolandEditor:HapMagdaMusician:Kaláka együttesStoryboard: JankovicsMarcell
° Manufacturer:
The soldier returning from the war in ragged clothes starts to beg alms in the village but nobody takes pity on him. Then he has recourse to a stratagem. He asks an old woman for a pot and water to cook a soup from a stone. He swindles salt, fat, sausage and potato after the other out of the woman so the “stone soup” becomes finished.