Number of results:470
SeriesHungarian titleEnglish titleYear of productionDirectorCategory
Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider 2Úszik a csigaházThe Floating Snail Horn1980Szabó Szabolcs, Haui JózsefTV series
Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider 2Az új hálóThe New Net1980Szabó Szabolcs, Haui JózsefTV series
Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider 2A kandicsrák kincseiThe Treasures of the Crayfish1980Szabó Szabolcs, Haui JózsefTV series
Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider 2Víz alatt, föld alattUnder Water, Under the Soil1980Szabó Szabolcs, Haui JózsefTV series
Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider 2Volt háló, nincs hálóWhere is the Net?1980Szabó Szabolcs, Haui JózsefTV series
Water-Spider, Wonder-Spider 2Te mit sportolsz?Which is Your Favourite Sport?1980Szabó Szabolcs, Haui JózsefTV series
Tales of King MatthiasBeatrix királyné tréfájaA Joke by Queen Beatrice1982Ujváry LászlóTV series
Majd a tisztásonCome to the Clearing1982Molnár PéterShort movie
Tales of King MatthiasMátyás király GömörbenKing Matthias in Gömör1982Ujváry LászlóTV series
Az éjszaka csodáiMiracles of the Night1982Horváth MáriaShort movie