The Swarthy Damsel

Director: TÓTH-PÓCS Roland ; BALAJTHY László
tv-series ° 2023 ° 07 ' 41 " ° Producer: Mikulás Ferenc Production manager: Vécsy Vera Storyteller: Nyakó Júlia Musician: Oláh József Violin: Szilágyi Antal Tóni Music director, sound engineer: Madácsi Imre Storyboard, character design: Nagy Lajos Layout: Balajthy László Backgrounds: Szűcs Emese Animation: Sulyok Bence 3D supervisor, director of photography: Tóth-Pócs Roland Computer support: Ari Károly Post production, editing: Kungl Mátyás 3D modeling: Gruber Fruzsina 3D rigging: Nagy Tamás 3D rigging: Csontos Gizella Art director: Horváth Mária


The story of a poor soldier who, on his way back from the war, finds himself in an enchanted cellar. At the request of a mysterious swarthy damsel, he boldly faces three devilish ordeals. If he triumphs, he will get a life-altering reward. Will his courage and endurance see him through this frightening adventure?

