Servants of Matthias

Director: UJVÁRY László
tv-series ° 1983 ° 07 ' 00 " ° Colour ° Producer: Mikulás Ferenc Animator: Ujváry László Assistant: Balajthy László ; Szűcs Édua Dramaturge: Szentistványi Rita Shooting supervisor: Gödl Beáta Script: Ujváry László Production manager: Vécsy Vera Sound: Nyerges András Imre Storyteller: Helyey László Cameraman: Polyák Sándor ; Pethes Zsolt Color technology: György Erzsébet Editor: Czipauer János Musician: Kaláka együttes Script: Kőszegi Ábel ° Manufacturer:


On the Epiphany holiday, we meet the scientists, knights and ordinary people who surround King Matthias. Perhaps it is this story which most unequivocally depicts the unprejudiced and progressive intellect of this king.

