Birthday Prophesy

Director: UJVÁRY László
tv-series ° 1983 ° 07 ' 30 " ° Colour ° Producer: Mikulás Ferenc Animator: Ujváry László Assistant: Balajthy László ; Szűcs Édua Dramaturge: Szentistványi Rita Shooting supervisor: Gödl Beáta Script: Ujváry László Production manager: Vécsy Vera Sound: Nyerges András Imre Storyteller: Borbás Gabi ; Helyey László Cameraman: Polyák Sándor ; Pethes Zsolt Color technology: Sándor Zoltánné Editor: Czipauer János Musician: Kaláka együttes Script: Kőszegi Ábel Backgrounds: Neuberger Gizella Ink artist: Gömöry Dorottya Ink artist: Fejes Margit Painting: Moravcsik Ágnes ° Manufacturer:


A gipsy fortune-teller prophesied an early death for the King in disguise unless he burgles something. The King regarded the prophesy as a bad joke, but decided to do it anyway. It was lucky he did, because he stumbled onto a conspiracy against

