Shamanism in Eurasia

Director: HOPPÁL Mihály ; JANKOVICS Marcell
short film ° 1988 ° 34 ' 00 " ° Colour ° Producer: Mikulás Ferenc Animator: Hajdu Marianna ; Orosz Andrea Dramaturge: B. Révész László Production manager: Vécsy Vera Sound: Zsebényi Béla Cameraman: Bacsó Zoltán ; Mertz Loránd Editor: Hap Magda Musician: Sebő Ferenc Narrator: Kristóf Tibor ° Manufacturer:


This ethnographical film research traces the scientific cognition of ethnographers with Shamanism from the 18th century to the recent past. With its valuable graphical, photo, sound and film documents the film gets us acquainted with the essential character of Shamanism. Including the duties of the shaman, his clothing, his implements and the symbolic nature of these respectively, with the traces of Shamanism still retraceable in Hungarian folk-beliefs.


- Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival 1990 / Estonia (Special prize)
- PAF Festival of Film Animation 2010 / Czech Republic (Panorama program)