3D animation

In the 3D animation department of Kecskemétfilm Ltd. we have been making original shorts and TV series since 2008.
We strive for a unique vision with artistic quality. Instead of the plastic world of 3D animation technologies we give preference to hand-painted material qualities.
Our works of animation are built on the more than four-decade, traditional 2D animation experience of Kecskemétfilm – movements done manually are indispensable for the purpose of high quality results.
Our films have won numerous awards at local and international festivals.
From 2014 our dynamically developing and innovative department has joined the European animated film production in cooperation with foreign studios.
During creative preparation works our main intent is to meet the new challenges and the amalgamation of the world created by 3D with the visual features of traditional, hand-drawn animation.
Our main fields of activity:
feature films, TV series, shorts, spots, trick films, image films, previsualisation
character and background modelling, rigging, character and background animation, special effects (SFX), compositing, rendering

Further details: http://www.kecskemetfilm3d.hu/